Support for Caregivers in Washington State
The Y’s Caregiver Support Program is available to caregivers caring for a young person involved in the child welfare system and supported by a Department of Children Youth & Families (DCYF) Social Worker in South King County. The services offered to caregivers are uniquely developed based on the needs of the young person placed in the home like help obtaining community resources, school advocacy, medical and dental referrals, parenting skills, caregiver respite, and more.
Types of Support Available
DCYF has assessed the level of support needed for each youth based on a variety of factors determining either Basic Support Services or Enhanced Caregiver Support Services. Those in need of enhanced services will receive additional behavioral and crisis support and may also qualify for Case Aide services.
Basic Services

Caregivers who qualify for basic caregiver support services will receive the following as needed based on an assessment of your child.
- Education Advocacy: Connect families with education advocacy coordinators for school-aged children.
- Healthcare Coordination: Help coordinate services with Apple Health, Indian Health Services, and dental care.
- Childcare Access: Assist in finding childcare or early childhood programs, including Tribal Early Head Start and ECEAP.
- Parenting Support: Provide tailored resources and training for caregivers to support their parenting skills.
- Identifying culturally relevant services for caregivers.
- Supporting adulthood planning for youth.
- Crisis Support: Offer 24/7 crisis phone support and coaching.
- Respite Care: Help caregivers find and schedule respite care when needed.
- Case Aide Coordination: Assist with case aide supports for youth eligible for Level 3 Caregiver support.
Enhanced Services

Caregivers who qualify for enhanced caregiver support services will receive the following as needed based on an assessment of your child.
- School Support: Assist caregivers with school-related needs.
- Healthcare Coordination: Help caregivers coordinate with Apple Health and Indian Health Services.
- Parenting Support: Provide tailored resources and training to help caregivers effectively parent children and youth.
- Crisis Support: Offer 24/7 on-call support, including crisis planning, phone coaching, and in-person assistance as needed.
- Respite Care: Assist caregivers in finding and scheduling appropriate respite care for youth.
- Supervision Plans: Help create and implement necessary supervision plans for youth and caregivers.
- Case Aide Coordination: Assist with coordinating case aide supports as needed.
Case Aide Services

Foster Care Child Support Aide Services, commonly referred to as Case Aide Services, provide trauma informed direct support to foster youth whose behaviors or developmental needs exceed the abilities of foster families without additional assistance.
Case Aide Services are for youth assessed with Enhanced Caregiver Support Services support levels and are available as needed. Case Aide services provide positive behavior support for the child/youth that considers the age and developmental/behavioral capabilities of the child. Services include:
- Behavioral Support: Behavior support that ensures the health, safety, and well-being of the child
- Protective Supervision: Providing appropriate protective supervision for the child in accordance with the approved child specific service and supervision plan.
- Positive Behavioral Support: Utilizing supportive environment and skill development resources and strategies
- Health Care: Prompt assessment of any ongoing or suspected medical condition to determine what behaviors can reasonably be expected of a child.
Resources for Caregivers
Counseling Services
We’re here for you with counseling services that span mental health, substance use, and psychiatric care for people of all ages in King County.
Are you experiencing a crisis?
For immediate assistance with a behavioral health crisis or a young person’s safety or shelter, call the King County 24-Hour Crisis Hotline at 866-427-4747.
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