Step Up With The Y Challenge

Collectively, we covered 19,637 miles – that is just about 5,000 miles shy of circling the entire earth, and a little more than a round trip from Seattle to Perth, Australia! We were able to raise over $4,300 for the YMCA of Greater Seattle! This money has been added to our Community Response Fund to assist with our emergency relief efforts related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Additionally, we have seen numerous members earn their activity points through making a difference in the community. Throughout the challenge, we saw participants log:

  • 1,714 items donated
  • 141 masks made
  • 86 volunteer sessions with local charities

Challenge participants were also active in supporting local businesses, posting positive messages around their neighborhoods, and connecting with vulnerable members of our community. We are so proud of the amazing efforts by this group – keep up the good work!
