Thank You for Walking with the Y

Last updated: November 23, 2021, at 1:22 p.m. PT

Originally published: November 23, 2021, at 11:44 a.m. PT


During this season of gratitude, we extend a warm and heartfelt wish for a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. As we barrel towards the end of another year and the holiday season rapidly approaches, it is only natural to slow down for a time of reflection, seeing, and thanking each other for showing up every day to help serve, lift, and inspire community.

Without our staff, members, donors and community partners, none of our life-changing work would be possible.

This year, Y staff, volunteers, and our community of supporters have given so much of themselves to help kids learn to swim, families put food on the table, teens have a safe place to go, families stay together and thrive, and seniors have a familiar place to catch up with friends.

Together, we pride ourselves in being a place and space where all people can take care of their health, develop to their fullest potential and thrive. Being a community gathering place and space where everyone is welcomed, affirmed, and belongs continues to be core to our promise to community.

Thank you

Gathering restrictions and requirements during the ongoing pandemic have made it significantly more challenging to build and maintain connection with our members and participants and with one another. The isolation, stress, and trauma of the pandemic have made life more difficult for youth and families across our region, thus requiring our staff and volunteers to bring even more of themselves to our work even as they manage through their own pandemic-triggered challenges and stresses. They have been troopers, and done so willingly without hesitation for the community we love and care deeply about.

Through it all, we have persevered to serve and show up for those who needed us most. We could not be prouder of our dedicated staff and volunteers who, out of commitment and belief in our mission, equity statement, values and with passion and love for community, have served without disruption despite the many obstacles and trials we continue to face. Despite the challenges that have confronted us over the past year, we are learning to find opportunity in every situation and seize it in service for community.

Thank you to our Y staff for your service to community. We are grateful for you and your dedication. Thank you to every volunteer for showing up for your neighbors. Thank you to our donors and advocates for removing barriers to our work. Thank you to everyone who has enrolled in a Y membership or programming for your trust and commitment. The impacts we’ve had are proof that what we do together makes a real difference.

Vision 2025

There is still unmet need, particularly among the youngest and most vulnerable among us, who have been devastated by the pandemic and continued cycles of systemic barriers. The Y has a bold plan to meet the need for youth: Vision 2025.

Through Vision 2025, the Y will addresses youth needs through access services and programing co-designed with youth to support and champion their growth and a more equitable, inclusive, and just future for all. The trauma of the past two years has made clear that youth need our support to bounce back from the long economic, physical, and emotional recovery ahead. We must pay attention to our young people and invest in them with commitment and urgency.  They are our future. Please join us. We can’t do it without you.

before we leave you, a parting thought. As you celebrate the holidays and extend gratitude to family and friends, please also take a moment to look inward, show gratitude to yourself, and celebrate you. To be most impactful and prepared to help others, we must not forget to take care of ourselves. Take time to recharge: take solace in a hobby, give breath to your physical and mental health, connect with loved ones, and take time to appreciate you.

From our Y family to yours, we wish you joy and peace, filled with gratitude with your family and friends.

Category: Holidays