Gloria Ochoa-Bruck, Youth & Government Board of Directors
Last updated: October 13, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. PT
Originally published: September 3, 2021, at 11:23 a.m. PT

Get to know Gloria Ochoa-Bruck through our Question and Answer session!
Q: How are you involved in Youth & Government? and how long?
A: I joined Youth & Government Board of Directors in 2018. Over the years as a trial attorney, I had the opportunity to serve as a volunteer for the Y Mock Trial competitions in Benton-Franklin County and in Spokane County prior to joining the Board. I belong to the Washington Civics Learning Council and was invited to serve on the board after having an opportunity to work with our prior Executive Director.
Q: What is your favorite part about volunteering for Y&G?
A: It is hands down working with the students. I am always so impressed with the quality of the trial presentations and the oral arguments students make. It is very inspiring to see our future leaders in action and deeply rewarding to be a part of a program that provides our youth with the opportunity to participate in such a meaningful and impactful way.
Q: What was your path to becoming an attorney and your involvement in government?
A: I am a first generation college student. I attended Columbia Basin Community College and then transferred to WSU Tri-Cities and completed my Bachelor’s degree while working a full-time job. I then attended the University of Idaho College of Law. I was an extern at the Benton-County Prosecutor’s office the summers after my first and second year of law school. My first job as an attorney was serving as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney. I worked for the City of Spokane and served as a Commissioner for the Washington Commission on Hispanic Affairs. I have a strong interest in being involved in local governments because I believe this is where there is opportunity to make direct positive impact in our community.
Q: If you could hold any elected position in WA State, what would it be and why?
A: I am currently running for election for Spokane Municipal Court Judge Position 3. Seeking judicial office has been a long term goal from the beginning of my legal career. I have spent the last 21 years as a licensed attorney investing in my education, training, and experience. I have a long history of community and public service. I believe I would not only be a fair and impartial judge, I would also meaningfully contribute to improving our justice system to enhance community safety and help create opportunities for successful reintegration into the community and alternatives for improved outcomes for people and their families.
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: I would love to be a full-time volunteer for causes that I believe in.
Q: Words of wisdom for high school teens planning for their future?
A: I take every opportunity to share my pathway because there are alternative roads to be taken in achieving one’s goals. I was not able to go directly to a 4 year university as a full-time student. I also ended up having to wait a year in between my undergraduate degree and law school in order to figure out how to be make it to law school. My path was not a straight shot but I was able to make it work. Be creative and flexible and don’t give up.
Q: Tell us a fun fact about yourself.
A: I ran 9 full marathons between 2008 and 2017. I went back to graduate school in 2016 and earned a Masters in Criminal Justice and Criminology and an MBA. I am looking forward to training for another marathon in 2022.