Eviction Prevention for Auburn Residents
Last updated: March 27, 2024, at 11:28 a.m. PT
Originally published: March 23, 2022, at 2:12 p.m. PT

The Y Social Impact Center is not currently accepting applications for the Auburn Eviction Prevention Program.
- Tenant’s residence is located within incorporated Auburn city limits.
- Unsure if an address is within incorporated Auburn limits? Use this City Limit Tool to find out! Enter the address and the tool will let you know if it is INSIDE (incorporated) or OUTSIDE (unincorporated) city limits.
- Tenant is between the ages of 18-24 OR is a household with children under the age of 18.
- Household income AT or BELOW 80% area median income.
- Landlord must agree to payment and sign Terms and Conditions.
- Tenant must provide the following documentation after application has been received:
- Proof of Rental or Lease Agreement
- Proof of outstanding back rent owed since March 3, 2020
- Provide self-certification for no income OR proof of income for all household members 18 years or older
- examples include but are not limited to salary wages, social security, pension, annuities, unemployment, child support, etc.
- Every adult over 18 with no income source must submit a Declaration of No Income Form
Once you've applied, you'll be contacted by a Y Social Impact Center staff within 2 weeks about needed documents in order to meet additional eligibility.
Additional Info
- Tenants who are undocumented are eligible for this program.
- Interpretation services available.
- Rent assistance is limited and not always guaranteed depending on funding.
What if I don’t qualify?
If you do not qualify, click here to view a list of other funding sources you may qualify for or contact the Y Social Impact Center for help navigating these resources by emailing renthelp@seattleymca.org or by texting/calling (206) 751-7130 from 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Please allow up to 2 business days for a team member to respond to your inquiry.