Youth and Government Virtually Kicks off it’s 74th Session 2020-2021
Last updated: December 11, 2020, at 3:40 p.m. PT
Originally published: December 11, 2020, at 3:31 p.m. PT

It has been just over a month since our nation took to the polls to cast their vote for a number of positions locally, statewide, and across the nation. With that responsibility and right came mixed emotions and feelings about the future regardless of who was chosen to lead our country.
Through YMCA Youth & Government we found hope for the future as our Youth Legislature delegates from across the state came together to kick off the Major Officer Elections for the 74th Youth Legislature Session. Over fifty high schoolers joined Secretary of State Kim Wyman for a robust and informative Q&A segment. Questions included current topics around election security, policy and procedure, as well as interest in a career in politics and how to navigate that path.
Secretary Wyman shared, “I’m expecting big things out of all of you! You are further ahead than I was at your age and you can sit in this same chair. Just work hard.”
The kick-off included a visit from Youth Governor Maddie Ellis of the Whatcom Delegation. Maddie shared her passion for Youth & Government with reassurance and encouragement for those that haven’t experienced the virtual platform.
“YAG is a special group of people. It has created lifelong friendships, my college major in political science, and shaped who I am today.” Maddie Ellis, 2019-2020 Youth Governor.
We will also be offering Mock Trial this year with over 40 teams in a virtual platform for both district and state tournaments. Teens across the state will engage virtually for monthly events, trial scrimmages, and - virtual # of teams, scrimmages, social events, panel discussions. Many teams are already connecting online and prepping for this year’s case.
In our virtual model for our Youth & Government programs we are excited to continue to offer civic engagement education. We will continue to support teens in sharing their voice and make a difference in their communities.
Learn More about YMCA Youth and Government