Things to Ask on a Tour of the Y
Last updated: February 1, 2024, at 4:18 p.m. PT
Originally published: June 28, 2018, at 9:50 a.m. PT

So, you’re going to try the Y? We’re so excited you’re ready to get started. The Y is much more than a gym and we want to ensure you make the most of your three visits. Try our equipment, check out classes, swim in the pool and find out what makes the Y unique. From kids’ programs, chronic disease prevention programs and massive social service programs, the Y aims to bring about change in your community through the programs we offer.
There are many things we could cover on a tour of your Y, and we’ll work hard to tailor it to your unique needs, but below are some questions you could ask to make the most of that time with staff.
This is just the first step in all the many ways the Y creates a supportive environment to help you reach your goals.
- What's included with membership?
- Can I bring a guest?
- What's the best time to visit?
- How do I find out what's coming up at the Y?
- What’s the best way to get started?
- What makes the Y different?
- What do I need to bring to join the Y?
- What do I bring to work out?
We're looking forward to seeing you!