New Horizons at the Downtown Seattle YMCA | Shelter for Young Adults During Covid-19
Last updated: May 1, 2020, at 3:56 p.m. PT
Originally published: April 27, 2020, at 3:55 p.m. PT

During this time of uncertainty and economic instability, young people experiencing homelessness are often left without anywhere safe to be, especially during the day. Due to social distancing requirements, youth staying at the New Horizon’s shelter, needed a larger space to spend the day in order to maintain social distancing. The Y has opened our Downtown branch to become a day shelter for New Horizon’s clients.
The young adult day shelter at the Downtown Y opened Monday, April 20, 2020. For the next eight weeks, New Horizons staff will work with YMCA staff to run and operate New Horizons at the Y. This will allow up to 40 young adults a safe and comfortable space that will provide 20+ hours of supportive services to meet the need for safer social distancing and health best practices. The program offers meals, workshops, entertainment, and Coordinated Entry for All (CEA) assessment for participants. At night, participants return to New Horizons in the evening for the night shelter.
The Y and New Horizons served 30 young adults on the first day, which increased the number of young adults served through housing and homelessness programs to over 400 young people each day. This includes the under-18 shelter and young adult shelter in Auburn, transitional homes, and other independent housing. YMCA of Greater Seattle continues to find new ways to respond to community needs and ensure those hit hardest by this pandemic are cared for.
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