Nature Scavenger Hunt
Last updated: October 18, 2022, at 5:38 p.m. PT
Originally published: April 13, 2020, at 7:16 p.m. PT

Did you know that spending time in nature and soaking up vitamin D is good for our immune system? Whether you are just outside your front door, by an open window, in your yard, or on a walk in your neighborhood, get outside with this fun scavenger hunt!
How many can you check off the list below?
Don't forget the Y's core value of respect by remembering to treat living things kindly!
- Something fuzzy
- A leaf with serrated edges
- A decomposer
- A coniferous tree
- Something rough
- Something that reminds you of music
- One sign of a bird
- Two different kinds of rocks
- A flower
- A made up name for a plant you see
- Something harmful to the forest
- An animal smaller than your thumbnail
- Something you think is beautiful
- A producer
- Something green that isn't a plant
- Something you can eat
- A good place to build a nest if you were a bird
- Something that is the same color as your shirt
- Signs of a shelter
- Something with 5 points on it
- Something important to you
- An animal larger than your thumbnail
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