Fresh Bucks Applications Open Now
Last updated: October 22, 2021, at 2:54 p.m. PT
Originally published: October 22, 2021, at 1:52 p.m. PT

Food insecurity can affect anyone. From loss of income to lack of access in food deserts, there are a myriad of reasons people in Seattle may not be able to access fresh and healthy food options in their community.
To help close the gap, Fresh Bucks is a city run program which helps Seattle residents afford healthy fruits and vegetables for themselves and their families. Today, the program serves over 12,000 Seattle households with produce benefits that can be redeemed at over 30 local retailers, including farmers markets, farm stands, and small and large grocers.
We at the Y wanted to spread the word and help make sure eligible residents in Seattle are aware that the application for Fresh Bucks program is open for a limited time until October 29th. Currently enrolled members of the program will still need to apply again for the 2022 benefit year.
Anyone can apply: to be eligible you must live within Seattle city limits and your household income cannot exceed 80% of the area median income. For example, a family of four cannot earn more than $72,400 per year, which is 80% of the AMI of $90,500 for this category.
To learn more about this program, including how to apply for Fresh Buck, or to check your eligibility, please consult the application and requirements section on this page:
Once enrolled, you will receive $40 every month in your Fresh Bucks account which you may use to buy fruits and vegetables at any Fresh Bucks retailer.
If you are in need, please apply today. If you know someone who is in need, please help us spread the word by linking people to this message or sharing it on social media. With you help we can reach historically underserved communities and help reduce racial and health disparities, increase access to healthy food, and improve community health.