2021 Annual Fund Drive | Invest in Something Good
Last updated: April 28, 2021, at 2:41 p.m. PT
Originally published: March 15, 2021, at 3:15 p.m. PT

Double your Impact when you GiveBIG!
Since the beginning, the Y has been here to serve our neighbors, in times of prosperity and times of great struggle. Through the flu pandemic of 1917, the Great Depression, countless natural disasters, and for the triumphant moments of every day at the Y, we have been right here alongside our community.
In March, we kicked off our Annual Fund Drive, our yearly campaign to highlight our powerful work in the community and how you can help. Our goal this year is three million dollars!
While membership dues cover a portion of our operations, we rely on your gifts to advance our mission. When you give to the Y, your gift has a meaningful, lasting impact in your neighborhood and across the region. Many people don't realize the Y is a nonprofit organization. It is only through the generosity of donors that we can continue to provide essential programs and services to those who need us the most.
The contributions we receive during the Annual Fund Drive are the foundation that supports programs to address our communities' most urgent needs, giving people hope for a better future and the means to achieve it.
Watch this video to see what we're doing at each branch »
This year, the Annual Fund Drive is focused on financing four critical areas:
- Access for All: By providing financial assistance so that limited means are not a barrier to reaching one's full potential, we enable access to early education, afterschool care, or health and wellness programs.
- Social Impact: Through counseling services and food stability resources, we are addressing our communities' most urgent needs.
- Equity & Justice: We're committed to dismantling racism by taking a stand as an antiracist organization and fighting inequities at their roots through whole person health.
- Experiencing the Outdoors: As advocates for the outdoors and camp as pathways to social & emotional health and environmental stewardship, we are investing in the future of young people.
We cannot do this alone. As an organization that is made up of, by, and for our community, we need your help.
To honor the spirit of giving during GiveBIG, our region's annual celebration of giving back, you can now double your donation when you give to the Y by May 5, thanks to a generous donor's matching grant (up to $50,000).
Will you join us for this time of giving? Learn more about our mission to show up for our neighbors who need us most or give today and double your donation.