The Y's Role After the Election: A Message from President and CEO Loria Yeadon

Last updated: March 22, 2023, at 4:58 a.m. PT

Originally published: November 4, 2020, at 10:47 a.m. PT


Dear Y Community:  

With the vote behind us and the possibility of days or even weeks before a winner is declared, it’s important that we focus on what we can control and seize the opportunity to move forward together with a spirit of unity, inclusion, compassion, and hope for all.  Recognizing that several of our neighbors may be distraught by the delay and disappointed by the ultimate election outcome, we must be there for each other and stay focused on doing the critical work of rebuilding and reconnecting with one another. This is the Y way – no one left behind.  

Together, we have the opportunity, in this moment, to be the example of inspiration, healing, and bridge building across our communities. No matter our political leanings, we all share the same fundamental hopes and aspirations for ourselves, our families, and our community: belonging, equity, and the opportunity to grow and thrive.
As we continue to strengthen the foundation of our community by providing inclusive programming, welcoming spaces and commitment to equity and justice, we are committed to carrying those values outside of our walls and being the champions of unity and harmony in our community. 

Self-care has been a consistent theme throughout the pandemic and this topic has never been more important than right now. This week and next, we encourage everyone to participate in sessions offered locally and nationally to allow space to exercise self-care, support each other, express feelings, share perspectives, and move forward

Thank you for all that you are doing to connect with each other and lead our community forward.

In gratitude & community,  

Loria Yeadon, President & CEO

Category: Community