Snoqualmie Valley YMCA / Community Center Potential Expansion
Last updated: June 19, 2024, at 10:57 a.m. PT
Originally published: May 29, 2019, at 1:27 p.m. PT

We Need Your Support
Please join YMCA staff and volunteers at the Snoqualmie City Council meeting on June 24 from 7:00-10:00 pm at the Snoqualmie City Council Chambers. The City Council is voting on the City of Snoqualmie Capital Improvement Plan, which includes the Snoqualmie Community Center/Snoqualmie Valley YMCA Expansion Project and Aquatics Center. We need your support to encourage the City Council to vote in favor of the Capital Improvement Plan.
City Council Roundtable and Regular Hybrid Meeting
Monday, June 24, 2024 | 7:00-10:00 pm
City Council Chambers, 38624 SE River Street, Snoqualmie, WA 98065
More details at City of Snoqualmie >
Expansion Project
We are excited about a potential expansion of the Snoqualmie Community Center/Snoqualmie Valley YMCA to serve our Snoqualmie Valley neighbors better. The Y and the City of Snoqualmie are working on expanding the Snoqualmie Community Center/Snoqualmie Valley YMCA from 12,000 square feet to 40,000 square feet. An expansion allows us to provide thousands more Snoqualmie residents with more amenities, helping everyone reach their fullest potential in spirit, mind, and body. The new space will feature:
- Aquatics center with six-lane lap pool and zero-entry activity pool
- Increased multipurpose spaces for programming
- Increased cardio and fitness center space
- Increased locker room space
- Common use space and additional community meeting and office space
- Possible additional parking along Ridge Street
Aquatics Center
The Y is “America’s Swim Instructor” and the most accessible community resource to prevent drowning and encourage a lifelong enjoyment of swimming. Each year, the YMCA of Greater Seattle teaches more than 13,000 people how to swim through our group and private swim lessons.
Expanding the Snoqualmie Valley YMCA to include a six-lane lap pool and activity pool will allow us to teach thousands of children and adults to swim every year. We'll also create a space for adults to stay healthy through water aerobics classes every week and a current channel for resistance exercises. The warm water, zero-entry activity pool creates easy access for infant and preschool swim lessons, water walking, recreational swim, and ensures people of all abilities can access the water.
Access for All
Since the Snoqualmie Valley YMCA opened in 2012, Snoqualmie’s population has grown by approximately 30 percent, with more than 40 percent of residents using the facility. There is often more demand than the existing facility can accommodate.
Additional multipurpose spaces create opportunities for more youth and teen programming in the afternoons and evenings, as well as additional senior programming during the day. Expanding the fitness center space allows the Y to serve more adults seeking a healthy lifestyle through routine exercise.
Find More Information
City of Snoqualmie | Community Center Expansion >
City of Snoqualmie | Community Engagement >
Contact the Y at >
Frequently Asked Questions
What is being proposed?
The Y is working to expand the Snoqualmie Valley YMCA / Community Center from 12,000 square feet to 40,000 square feet. An expansion allows us to serve more people with more amenities, helping everyone reach their fullest potential in spirit, mind, and body. The new space would include an aquatics facility, multi-use spaces for our programs, and an expanded fitness center.
How big will the pool be?
Our plans include a multi-use family activity pool and a lap swimming pool. The final size of an aquatic center has yet to be determined. The Y and City are looking for feedback on what the community wants. You can send your feedback to the City at
What funding sources are being used expand the Snoqualmie Valley YMCA / Community Center?
The Y will privately fundraise $750,000 to $1 million in capital funding and will try to secure an additional $1.2 million in State funding. The City will cover the remaining funds needed for the expansion. We encourage people to contact the City for more details on public funding. The City can be reached at
Why do I pay to use a facility that was built with my tax dollars?
The City of Snoqualmie owns the building but does not support the ongoing operations of the facility. Membership and program fees cover our costs of day-to-day operations and maintenance.
What will future membership costs be?
It is likely that membership costs will align with YMCA of Greater Seattle rates. Memberships include full access to the facility, fitness classes, health and well-being center, and discounts on programs and events. We are working with the City to identify community benefits, regardless of membership.
Will the Y have financial transparency during and after the expansion?
We are required to release our annual revenue and expenses. The Snoqualmie Valley Y is a branch of the YMCA of Greater Seattle, which tracks the financial information for all branches and programs within the Greater Seattle region. You can view our latest financial statements in our annual report.
What does it mean to be a part of the YMCA of Greater Seattle?
As a branch of the larger YMCA of Greater Seattle organization, we receive centralized support services such as accounting, marketing, human resources, risk management, technology services, and legal support. Centralized services allow us to serve people more efficiently and also allows our branch to focus on what we do best, serving you.
How will this affect parking?
The expansion plan includes building extra parking spaces on the street to meet demand.
Why does the City not partner with Si View on this project?
We would encourage people to reach out to City Staff or the City Council regarding this topic. Please contact them at
What is the potential timeline for this project?
We would defer to the City regarding this topic. Please contact them at