Five Fingers Art Project
Last updated: November 3, 2022, at 12:47 p.m. PT
Originally published: May 10, 2020, at 6:46 p.m. PT

At Camp Orkila, we have a common discussion activity where you share five things about yourself, each prompt representing one of your five fingers! The prompts are:
- Thumb: One thing I like about myself is…
- Pointer Finger: The direction I’m headed, or something in my future is…
- Middle Finger: Something I dislike or frustrates me is…
- Ring Finger: One thing I am committed to is…
- Pinky Finger: Something unique or quirky about me is…
Try tracing your hand on a piece of paper and filling in each finger with art inspired by the prompts above. You can use any medium you want (collage, paint, drawing) and keep it simple or get into the details!
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