Bridging Cultures: Indigenous Wisdom and Environmental Education
Last updated: November 12, 2023, at 8:19 p.m. PT
Originally published: November 12, 2023, at 8:14 p.m. PT

Celebrating Native & Indigenous Heritage Month
As we observe Native & Indigenous Heritage Month, we reflect on the profound lessons we have learned from Native Peoples and their essential role in environmental education that is helping to develop the youth of our community. These themes have been deeply embodied in our collective efforts at the Mineral Lake camp project and our collaboration with the Nisqually Indian Tribe.
The Environmental Wisdom of Native Peoples
Native wisdom has always been intertwined with effective environmental stewardship. For example, wildfire prevention provides a striking illustration. The intentional "light burning" practice of the Pacific Northwest tribes was dismissed more than a century ago, labeled as "misinformed" and "grounded in superstition." The federal government went so far as to offer rewards to those who prevented tribal members from lighting fires to preserve their land. They were unjustly termed "incendiarists," and this practice, which had proven effective for countless generations, was criminalized. It was not until 2021 that the Washington State Department of Natural Resources finally launched a similar program, recognizing the efficacy of these traditional practices.
Guardians of Biodiversity: Indigenous Peoples
Environmental conservation and Indigenous liberation are intrinsically connected. The rights of Native communities to use their land are inseparable from their rights to manage that land in accordance with their Native traditions and practices. Their communities hold valuable knowledge and solutions that can guide us in our goal to be good stewards of our environment.
Despite comprising only 6% of the world's population, Indigenous Peoples are responsible for safeguarding an astounding 80% of global biodiversity. It is imperative that we create spaces where our youth can absorb these invaluable lessons. Through programs like Camp Orkila Pond Classroom, YMCA Earth Service Corps, and upcoming collaborations with the Nisqually Indian Tribe with our Mineral Lake overnight camp project, we offer hands-on experiences that nurture the spirit of curiosity and cooperation. Both attributes are required for the next generation of environmental stewards to co-author a sustainable path forward.
Honoring the Nisqually Indian Tribe
We express our heartfelt gratitude to the Nisqually Indian Tribe and all those who have contributed to the Mineral Lake camp project. This collaboration has been instrumental in our quest to instill a love for the outdoors and respect for all cultures in the hearts and minds of our youth. Let us remain committed to bridging cultures, acquiring knowledge from one another, and working together to forge a brighter and more sustainable future for all.