Water Fitness Fitness Add filters Close filters Location: Select LocationAuburn Valley YMCABellevue Family YMCACoal Creek Family YMCADale Turner Family YMCADowntown Seattle YMCAKent YMCAMatt Griffin YMCAMeredith Mathews East Madison YMCANorthshore YMCASammamish Community YMCASnoqualmie Valley YMCAUniversity Family YMCAWest Seattle & Fauntleroy YMCACamp ColmanCamp OrkilaCamp TerryYMCA Camping & Outdoor Leadership Room / Area: AllAuburn Y - Activity PoolAuburn Y - Adventure ZoneAuburn Y - Community RoomAuburn Y - Cycling StudioAuburn Y - Family KitchenAuburn Y - Fitness CenterAuburn Y - GymAuburn Y - Kids' CornerAuburn Y - Lap PoolAuburn Y - Multipurpose RoomAuburn Y - Reflection RoomBellevue Y - AtriumBellevue Y - Camping & Outdoor Lead.Bellevue Y - Cardio RoomBellevue Y - Conference RoomBellevue Y - Cycle StudioBellevue Y - Fitness Studio 1Bellevue Y - Fitness Studio 2Bellevue Y - Fitness Studio 3Bellevue Y - Free Weight RoomBellevue Y - GymBellevue Y - Gym - FarBellevue Y - Gym - NearBellevue Y - Kids' ZoneBellevue Y - Kids' Zone - Adventure ZoneBellevue Y - Kids' Zone - Kids' CornerBellevue Y - LobbyBellevue Y - PoolCarol Edwards - GymCarol Edwards - Madrona RoomCoal Creek Y - Activity PoolCoal Creek Y - Adventure ZoneCoal Creek Y - Cardio FloorCoal Creek Y - Community KitchenCoal Creek Y - Community Meeting RoomCoal Creek Y - Family LobbyCoal Creek Y - Gym 1Coal Creek Y - Gym 2Coal Creek Y - Kids' CornerCoal Creek Y - Lap PoolCoal Creek Y - Personal Training StudioCoal Creek Y - PlayFit RoomCoal Creek Y - Reflection RoomCoal Creek Y - Reformer StudioCoal Creek Y - Total Health RoomCoal Creek Y - Wellness StudioCoal Creek Y - Y AdventurersDale Turner - Adventure ZoneDale Turner - Outdoor SpaceDale Turner Y - Camping & Outdoor Lead.Dale Turner Y - Cycle StudioDale Turner Y - Family LobbyDale Turner Y - Family Wellness StudioDale Turner Y - Functional Fitness RoomDale Turner Y - Group Wellness StudioDale Turner Y - GymDale Turner Y - Gym - North CourtDale Turner Y - Gym - South CourtDale Turner Y - Kids' CornerDale Turner Y - KitchenDale Turner Y - Main LobbyDale Turner Y - PoolDale Turner Y - Reflection StudioDale Turner Y - Teen CenterDale Turner Y - Turner TowerDale Turner Y - Wellness FloorDale Turner Y - Y AdventurersDale Turner Y -- Turner TowerDoug Allen Field - Soccer FieldsDowntown Y - 3rd Floor Training RoomDowntown Y - 7th FloorDowntown Y - Basketball GymDowntown Y - Creative Movement StudioDowntown Y - Healthy Living OfficeDowntown Y - Mind Body StudioDowntown Y - PoolDowntown Y - Racquetball Court 01Downtown Y - Racquetball Court 02Downtown Y - Triangle Art GalleryDowntown Y - Welcome CenterFauntleroy Y - GymFauntleroy Y - Small ChapelFocus StudioKent - Kids' Zone ScanKent Y - Adventure ZoneKent Y - Court 1Kent Y - Court 2Kent Y - Cycle StudioKent Y - ECF of Boeing Kids ZoneKent Y - Fitness CenterKent Y - GymnasiumKent Y - Kids' CornerKent Y - Lap PoolKent Y - Lap Pool - Lane 1Kent Y - Morford Family Activity PoolKent Y - Oberto KitchenKent Y - Pool DeckKent Y - Rotary Community RoomKent Y - Studio 1Kent Y - Studio 2Matt Griffin Y - Activity PoolMatt Griffin Y - Adventure ZoneMatt Griffin Y - Climbing Camp SpaceMatt Griffin Y - Community KitchenMatt Griffin Y - GymMatt Griffin Y - Gym - Court 1Matt Griffin Y - Gym - Court 2Matt Griffin Y - Huling Climbing TowerMatt Griffin Y - Kids' CornerMatt Griffin Y - Lap PoolMatt Griffin Y - LobbyMatt Griffin Y - Reflection StudioMatt Griffin Y - Safeco RoomMatt Griffin Y - Wellness FloorMatt Griffin Y - Wellness Studio 1Matt Griffin Y - Wellness Studio 2Matt Griffin Y - Y AdventurersMatt Griffin Y - Youth Dev CtrMatt Griffin Y -- Huling Climbing TowerMeredith Mathews Y - Cardio and StrengthMeredith Mathews Y - Group Exercise AMeredith Mathews Y - Group Exercise BMeredith Mathews Y - GymMeredith Mathews Y - Healthy Living OffiMeredith Mathews Y - Kids' CornerMeredith Mathews Y - PoolMeredith Mathews Y - Welcome CenterNorthshore Y - Adventure ZoneNorthshore Y - Camping & Outdoor Leader.Northshore Y - Club Room ANorthshore Y - Club Room BNorthshore Y - Family GymNorthshore Y - Kids' CornerNorthshore Y - KitchenNorthshore Y - Main GymNorthshore Y - Main Gym - EastNorthshore Y - Main Gym - WestNorthshore Y - Main LobbyNorthshore Y - Multipurpose RoomNorthshore Y - PoolNorthshore Y - Racquetball Court 01Northshore Y - Racquetball Court 02Northshore Y - Total Health CenterNorthshore Y - Welcome CenterNorthshore Y - Youth Development CenterNorthshore Y -- Northshore Y SummitSammamish LobbySammamish Y - Activity PoolSammamish Y - Adventure ZoneSammamish Y - Camping & Outdoor Leader.Sammamish Y - Central WA UniversitySammamish Y - Cycle StudioSammamish Y - Group Fitness Room 1Sammamish Y - Group Fitness Room 2Sammamish Y - GymnasiumSammamish Y - Gymnasium ASammamish Y - Gymnasium BSammamish Y - Healthy Living CenterSammamish Y - Healthy Living LoftSammamish Y - Kids' CornerSammamish Y - KitchenSammamish Y - Lap PoolSammamish Y - Lap Pool - Lane 6Sammamish Y - Met Market RoomSammamish Y - Reflection RoomSammamish Y - Rotary RoomSammamish Y - Small GymSnoq Y - Activity CenterSnoq Y - AnnexSnoq Y - Cycle RoomSnoq Y - Fitness CenterSnoq Y - GymSnoq Y - Kids' ZoneSnoq Y - Multipurpose RoomSt. Therese Field - Soccer FieldsUniversity Y - Cardio RoomUniversity Y - Pocock RoomUniversity Y - Welcome CenterUniversity Y -Weight RoomWest Seattle Y - Adventure ZoneWest Seattle Y - Fitness Studio 1West Seattle Y - Fitness Studio 2West Seattle Y - Fitness Studio 4West Seattle Y - Gym EastWest Seattle Y - Gym FullWest Seattle Y - Gym WestWest Seattle Y - Kids' CornerWest Seattle Y - Pilates Reformer StudioWest Seattle Y - PoolWest Seattle Y - Rotary Community RoomWest Seattle Y - Tween ZoneWest Seattle Y - Wellness FloorYMCA of Greater SeattleYMCA of Greater Seattle - Virtual Program: AllCamps & AdventuresChild Care and EnrichmentClasses & ActivitiesCommunity EventsFitnessHealth & WellnessKids ZonePersonal TrainingSports & RecreationSwimTraining & Certifications Sub-Program: AllActive Older AdultCardioCycleDanceHIITMind BodyStrengthWater Fitness Activity: AllWater Fitness Age: All0-34-1213-1920-5455+ Filtered by: Fitness Water Fitness Clear All Searching For Classes...