Create a place where community happens

Rapid change is occurring in the U-District, with 30,000 more residents expected to move into our area over the next 30 years. As density increases, the need for gathering places for people to connect, socialize, and serve community needs also increases. Designated community spaces are particularly important for seniors, and families who will be most impacted by the rapid change.

Our new Y will give seniors places to gather and socialize, families the support and resources to come together to play and connect, and young people safe spaces with positive mentors to help them reach their potential. A place where neighbors can connect, learn, and be inspired by each other. A place where community happens. 

Opportunities for All: The Y Campaign for Kids and Communities

This campaign will raise $43 million to build a Y that will be the heart of North Seattle, serving our residents for decades to come. Your support will help make this a bright new University Y to serve as the heart of health, fitness, youth development, and compassionate community in North Seattle.


Project Highlights

• 50,000 square-foot, state-of-the-art facility

• 2,000 square-feet of community gathering space

• State-of-the-art aquatic center with full-size family and lap pools

• Full-size gym for youth, adults, and families to enjoy

• Wellness and group exercise spaces

• 15-20 units of housing for homeless young adults

• Drop-in child care

• Expanded youth development programs to help North Seattle kids reach their full potential

Let’s make North Seattle a place of opportunity for all. Support the campaign to build a new University Y.