Opportunities for All: Support the Meredith Mathews East Madison Y
Last updated: March 22, 2023, at 5:03 a.m. PT
Originally published: January 30, 2018, at 10:58 a.m. PT

The YMCA of Greater Seattle has a vision that one day, all kids, families, adults and seniors in the Greater Seattle Area will have equitable opportunities to improve their health, well-being and reach their full potential. Together at 13 Y branches, two overnight camps and hundreds of program sites across King and south Snohomish County, we’re tackling our community’s most urgent needs – giving people hope for a better future, and the means to achieve it.
Meredith Mathews East Madison YMCA 2019 Annual Philanthropy Goal: $165,000.
The Meredith Mathews East Madison Y is working to meet Seattle’s most urgent needs by creating opportunities for everyone to improve health and reach their full potential. With your support, the Meredith Mathews East Madison Y will be able to impact the local community through various programs including:
Water Safety Programs
Your support teaches children and adults how to feel comfortable in the water. These programs develop lifelong skills and build confidence around water without worry of the cost of lessons. Water safety programs are focused serving communities of color where drowning rates are highest.
Chronic Disease Prevention Programs
Your support gives individuals on their journey to reduce their risk of health problems related to chronic diseases an opportunity to get on track with their health. Together, participants learn healthier options and make changes that can last a lifetime.
Y Programs for All
Your support provides families access to day camp, education programs and wellness classes regardless of their income.