Five Ideas for Family Summer Fun

Last updated: June 27, 2023, at 5:02 p.m. PT

Originally published: June 20, 2023, at 1:35 p.m. PT

family outdoor bike

Summer is upon us, and it’s the perfect time for families to bond, enjoy the outdoors, and create lasting memories. Whether you’re planning a vacation or looking for local activities, we hope you’ll try some of these ideas to amplify the fun! So, grab your sunglasses, sunscreen, and sense of adventure because it’s time to make the most of the sunshine.

Let’s Get Beachy

The Pacific Northwest has a variety of amazing beaches to build sandcastles, play beach volleyball, go for a swim, or simply relax and soak up the sun. Remember to bring along beach toys, towels, and a picnic lunch for a complete beach experience. Check out some of these family-friendly beach recommendations.

Outdoor Movie Night

Transform your backyard into a cozy outdoor theater. Hang a white sheet, set up a projector, and gather comfy blankets and cushions. Pick a family-friendly movie, prepare some popcorn, and enjoy an enchanting evening under the stars. Put on your favorite movie, or check out a few of these recommendations.

A Wheel of a Deal

Take advantage of the sunny weather by going on a family bike ride (or roller skate or skateboard!) Explore your neighborhood or find a nearby biking trail. Remember to wear helmets and observe traffic rules for a safe and enjoyable experience.

Get Sporty

Gather the family for some friendly competition with outdoor sports. Set up a mini-golf course in your backyard, organize a soccer match, or engage in a game of family-friendly cricket or baseball. It's an excellent way to stay active and have fun together.

Craft in Nature

Encourage your family's creativity by engaging in outdoor art and craft activities. Set up an outdoor painting station, create nature-inspired collages, or build a birdhouse together. The possibilities are endless, and it's a great way to foster imagination and artistic expression. For more ideas, check out these Best Nature Crafts and Activities for Kids and Nature Crafts That Will Encourage Kids to Explore the Great Outdoors.