Nine Family-Friendly Ways to Celebrate Pride Month

Last updated: May 14, 2024, at 7:12 a.m. PT

Originally published: June 17, 2020, at 2:58 p.m. PT


Pride Month is here, and it is time to gather together to show support for the LGBTQIA+ community, honor those who have fought for equality, commemorate the past, and celebrate the future. As allies, or as an LGBTQIA+ family, there are lots of fun ways to celebrate for all ages.

  1. Learn about the history of Pride and the Stonewall Riots here.
  2. Save the date for Seattle’s LGBTQIA+ Pride Month celebrating with two events in June! June 1 is Seattle Pride in the Park and June 30 is the Seattle Pride Parade. 
  3. Show young readers that there are many ways to love yourself and others by sharing LGBTQIA+ friendly books
  4. Celebrate with your own Pride parade at home.
  5. Get artistic with rainbow craft ideas to help children celebrate Pride.
  6. Make rainbow cupcakes so you can celebrate Pride with something sweet. Share with your neighbors!
  7. Rainbow fruit skewers make a colorful and healthy snack! 
  8. Run and Walk with Pride is offering both virtual and in-person participation! Run or walk a 4K or 8K virtually anytime between May 30 - June 3 or in person at Seward Park on June 2.
  9. Throughout history, there have been numerous notable and influential LGBTQIA+ figures. Learn more about these LGBTQIA+ figures.